September 2022 Newsletter

To Wrestle Or Not To Wrestle – That Really Is The Question!

Going arm to arm, chest to chest, head to head, muscle to muscle and strength to strength…hearing the breathing of the other, hearing the pounding of the hearts…sweat….the battle of minds, will and emotions.

What is the perfect will of God? What action is to be taken for his glory, for his higher purpose? How do I decipher His voice from my mind and all the deep and undiscoverable emotions that are attached? What will it cost me? Will the pain be unbearable?

Will truth prevail? Will the sword cut to the core and reveal the naked truth? Will that be allowed…..or will the will of man hide behind the darkness and not allow the flood of freedom to rush in and create a cacophony of life to all those around?

The Lord loves when we wrestle with Him. It creates intimacy with him- we being known and he being known to us. There is no other experience as complete. Jacob wrestled with G-d. Jacob cried out for Elohim to bless him. He could not go on with out it.

That is the most base desire for every human being- to know and be known by their creator and be blessed by him. How else can we live in freedom and peace? Oh, what measures we have taken to be fulfilled in other ways only because we have not known or are too afraid to know the power of his love for us.
[Carrie Paraiso]

James and Carrie Paraiso live in Bella Vista Arkansas where they run their ministry Planet Bubble. They have been ordained with TDC for 19 years and leaders sooner than that in the early San Diego Vineyard days. 

Planet Bubble began when James and Carrie met in 1977 doing a play and married in a theater at Calvary Chapel in North Park Theater. The actual dream did not visualize until 2001. Since then, they’ve been involved with theater in all forms around San Diego. Two major productions were called “ChagigatL’Chaim B’Mashiach- The Festivals of Life in the Messiah”  and “Yaacov’s Ladder”. Now living in Arkansas, they are continuing to create and dream and eventually bring what has been given to them, to Israel.

Planet Bubble exists to create a venue for people to express their God-given talents in a community of integrity and honor- all for the main purpose of bringing heaven to earth. Talent is so vast and limitless in what can be done, which makes for so many venues that could be made.  
You can read more about the Paraiso's here.


We are hoping to hear from more TDC ordained leaders. Many of you are still out there we haven't heard from. Stay connected; What is God doing; Share your testimony!


October 2022 Newsletter


August 2022 Newsletter