Who We Are
Our passion is to help guide, mentor and equip those who are exploring new ways to express their Christianity and impact their society with the Love of God.
Our mission
is to help each individual believer discover their unique identity in Christ and to embrace fully their personal destiny.
We rally around 8
core values…
A Living Encounter with God
God made us for his pleasure and for relationship first and foremost. We enjoy a lifestyle of knowing God, an intimate love relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Experiencing his power and presence is our priority with everything else flowing out of this relationship.
Personal Identity
Since we are made in His image we believe that humanity has worth and value in the heart of God. Because of man’s tremendous worth, God sent Jesus to restore mankind’s identity as sons. Identity is integral to walking out one’s calling and position in the Kingdom of God.
Relational Christianity
The church is an interdependent loving family authentic in its approach to community relationships. We seek honest communication and accountability without fear of reprisal. When we gather, and however that looks, we are to love, teach, heal, pray, edify…one another. We promote venues and activities that encourage people to connect, communicate and cooperate with authentic, honest relationships. We encourage all of our activities and ministries to grow out of our relationships. We call it doing kingdom with friends.
Permission & Empowerment
We believe everybody gets to play as all believers are gifted and called to participate in kingdom activity. It’s important to value, honor, cultivate and celebrate everybody’s dream, calling and unique giftedness. This means we give lots of freedom to explore and color outside the lines. Experimentation is important. Risk taking is encouraged. Mistakes aren’t seen as failures but applauded as learning opportunities. If necessity is the “mother of invention” then the needs of humanity are opportunities for Christians to step in with compassionate hearts and creative solutions. Permission granted gives believers lots of freedom and flexibility to step out with their dreams and ideas to discover effective and joyful ways to serve in the Kingdom.
Servant Leadership
To have an effective permissional community requires a leadership that empowers people. We are called to grow and mentor future leaders. It’s not a top down authoritative and disconnected leadership style but a bottom up, decentralized and relationally based approach. We release people into their destiny compared to collecting them to fulfill our own. We accept the responsibility to boldly lead by example always remembering we are stewards and not owners of the ministry. This permissional style of leadership is effective in empowering others to fulfill their callings and is at the core of everything we do. We believe that real apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are first and foremost equippers and foot-washers. Servant leaders need to be grace oriented and secure in their identity in Christ which gives them freedom from a performance mentality that kills creativity, passion and freedom. Our heart is to see others step into their identity with fullness and freedom so as to walk out their destiny with clarity and boldness.
Spirit-Led Expressions
All fruitful and effective ministries are initiated and sustained by Holy Spirit. We are committed to an adventurous walk of faith and discovery trusting Holy Spirit to use each believer to serve out of his unique gift mix, which has been granted and assigned by the Spirit. These gifts are essentials to the believer being able to live out their destiny and contribute to the work of the kingdom. In other words, individual believers and the church as a whole are to be totally dependent on Holy Spirit for its identity, growth and success making us co-laborers with Holy Spirit in the work of the kingdom.
The Kingdom of God
The Kingdom is the rule and reign of God that Jesus inaugurated when He walked the planet. As we seek His rule and reign in our lives we will experience His rule and reign over the planet. As a result, we will implement divine strategies for salvation of souls, cities and nations. The Kingdom of God is to invade every sphere of society with goodness confronting and overcoming the evils of poverty, crime, sickness and disease, Romans 12:21.
Grace & Love-Based Teaching
A clear understanding and application of the doctrine of grace is essential to healthy and mature growth of the church. Therefore we believe and promote the new man theology as laid out in the New Testament, Romans 6. Goes with identity.